Advanced Bio GF
Advanced Bio GF
A Natural Biological Process, biologically reduces greases and fats.
Bio Treat GF accelerates the breakdown of grease and fats Improves Waste Water Treatment and Discharge Quality Class 1 Multi strain bacteria species
The build up of fats, oils and grease clogs up sewer lines, reduces pumping at lift stations and creates processing problems for plant operators in waste water treatment facilities. Continuous use of Bio Treat GF on a preventative maintenance basis will reduce grease accumulation.
The product is comprised of a blend of diverse micro-organisms, known for their ability to break down oils, fats and grease. The addition of Bio Treat GF to waste water maximizes the effectiveness of organic decomposition by ensuring that the microorganisms responsible for digesting specific organic compounds are present in high concentrations. This is safe, economic and a proven method.
The application of any biological product requires an understanding of the specifics of site conditions. The information gained from each site is used to determine whether Bio Treat GF is the best product for treatment and the specific dosage required. Ongoing analysis can be conducted during treatment in order to optimize the treatment process.