Advanced / BIO HN
Advanced / BIO HN
Next generation of combined organic & ammonia reduction micro organisms.
Aerobic/facultative organisms, absorbs CO2, N2, or H2S
Novel multi use micro organism
One shot weekly or monthly
Removes ammonia and nitrite in wastewater treatment operations.
Can be used in high COD/BOD situations
Controls filaments and improves settlement
BOD/COD and ammonia-oxidizing Hemophilic micro organisms are recognized to exert primary control over ammonia oxidation in nature and in our deep oceans. They work by taking up excess nutrients including ammonia CO2, N2, or H2S directly as a food source. Studies have also revealed a novel, primarily pathway for ammonia oxidation and respiration distinct from that of known ammonia-oxidizing bacteria.
The normal populations of bacteria found in waster water treatment plants, are usually made up of various aerobic types including bacillus and many other species of bacteria’s including nitrifying bacteria. We have found by adding Bio Treat HN, single-celled micro organisms that are able to oxidize metabolites under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and support the bacterial population within the plant. They reproduce asexually using there own DNA by binary fission fragmentation.
This single stage product allows the breakdown of BOD/COD, and utilises Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrogen and various other elements including Phosphates. This enables the correct conditions for normal nitrification to take place improving settlement and final effluent quality.
The micro organisms contained within the product are non hazardous, under the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens. The product only contains class 1 type micro organisms. The product is fully biodegradable, highly effective at removing nutrients, Phosphate, ammonia, nitrite when part of a waste water treatment plant management system. The product contains a blend of single- celled micro- organisms
The product will be offered in liquid form 1 litre super concentrate and is sufficient for plants aeration capacity to 500 cu/3 just pour directly into aeration zone. Note for the first 48 hours there may be an increase in turbidity.